

Behavioral Health located in Pikesville, MD


At Resilience Behavioral Health in Pikesville, Maryland, Christiana Ikome, NP, PMHNP, and the medical team are committed to creating a safe, inclusive space where LGBTQIA+ individuals feel respected and valued. Through compassionate care, tailored services, and a deep understanding of diverse needs, they proudly support the LGBTQIA+ community and pave the way toward health, well-being, and living authentically. Call to inquire about booking an in-person or virtual visit. You can also use the online scheduler at any time.

What does LGBTQIA+ stand for?

LGBTQIA+ is an inclusive acronym representing diverse sexual orientations and gender identities:

  • L: lesbian
  • G: gay
  • B: bisexual
  • T: transgender
  • Q: queer or questioning
  • I: intersex
  • A: asexual or aromantic

The "+" encompasses additional identities, recognizing the spectrum of human experiences related to gender, attraction, and self-expression.

What issues can the LGBTQIA+ community experience?

The LGBTQIA+ community may face unique challenges, including:

  • Discrimination: bias in workplaces, schools, or healthcare settings
  • Mental health struggles: higher rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts due to stigma and rejection
  • Healthcare disparities: difficulty accessing competent, affirming medical care
  • Family and social rejection: alienation from family or friends due to identity
  • Violence: increased risk of physical or verbal abuse and hate crimes
  • Identity challenges: navigating self-discovery and societal acceptance

These challenges underline the importance of affirming support and access to resources.

How does your medical practice create a safe place for the LGBTQIA+ community?

At Resilience Behavioral Health, Christiana and the team are committed to fostering inclusivity and respect, ensuring you feel welcomed and valued. The staff undergoes specialized training on LGBTQIA+ issues to provide sensitive and affirming care. 

The practice creates an inclusive environment with gender-neutral forms, signage, and communication that honor and respect all identities. Strict confidentiality policies protect your privacy and uphold your chosen name and pronoun. 

They tailor their care to meet specific health needs, such as hormone therapy, mental health support, or STI screenings, delivered with cultural competence and compassion. In addition, the team actively engages with LGBTQIA+ organizations to deepen their understanding and strengthen community outreach efforts.

What are the benefits of finding support for LGBTQIA+?

The Resilience Behavioral Health team understands the importance of support for the well-being of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Acceptance is directly linked to mental health improvement, as it helps reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. Building connections within the community fosters a sense of belonging and provides validation. 

Access to support networks ensures guidance for navigating healthcare, legal issues, and advocacy, creating a foundation of stability and empowerment. Affirmation further encourages confidence, enabling you to live authentically and embrace your identity. 

In such a supportive environment, you can thrive as an LGBTQIA+, celebrating who you are and making meaningful contributions to society.

Book an appointment today at Resilience Behavioral Health, where you can rely on inclusivity and respect, in addition to excellent healthcare. Call or use the online scheduler now. In-person and virtual appointments are available.