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Prepare for Your First Therapy Session: What to Expect


Starting behavioral therapy in Maryland for the first time can be a nerve-wracking and overwhelming experience. While every therapist is different, most first sessions follow a basic procedure that involves paperwork and getting to know each other. To help you prepare for your first therapy sessions, here’s what you can expect:

  • Filling out paperwork.

    Before your first session, you may be required to complete several forms. The paperwork you need to fill out may entail documents for your health insurance, a consent form outlining specific policies and procedures for treatment, and a checklist for your medical history.

  • Making introductions.

    Most providers of cognitive behavioral therapy start their first session by obtaining informed consent. This is a process of informing you about the benefits, risks, and potential treatment outcomes of therapy to ensure you understand the process. They may also review their approach to treatment and share relevant details about their work.

  • Talking about why you’re in therapy.

    You likely already have an idea why you are seeking mental healthcare in Maryland. You don’t necessarily have to have a specific goal, but you should have some general insight into what you want to work on. Your therapist will likely ask several questions about your background, medical details, and family history to get to know you better. You can also ask your therapist questions, such as what kind of experience they have and how long the treatment may take.

We at RESILIENCE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, LLC would like to commend you for taking the first steps toward better mental health. With our behavioral health care in Pikesville, Maryland, we can help you achieve your mental health goals. Set an appointment with us to take the next steps.

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