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Mastering Medication Management for Mental Health


Medication management is a vital aspect of maintaining your mental health and well-being. If you or someone you know is on prescription, these tips can help achieve better adherence.

  • Link your medication schedule to a routine activity.
    If you link taking your medicine to a routine activity, like brushing your teeth, you’re more certain to remember it and make it a part of your daily life.

  • Utilize organizers and alarms. 

    Invest in a pill organizer for a more efficient tracking and simpler way to take your medicines. You may also use your phone or a medication reminder app to alert you when it’s time to take your meds. 

  • Know your medications and talk to your doctor.

    When you’re taking a medication, for example, a Suboxone prescription, you should know why you’re taking it and its potential side effects. Communicating with your doctor, especially if you experience side effects or have concerns about your medication is also essential for better adherence.

  • Track your progress in a way that works for you.

    If you’re into journaling, whether for its creativity or simply for expressing your thoughts, you can list your daily doses or create a medication journal. You can also write any changes you’ve observed in your mental health. You can even show this to your provider of mental healthcare in Maryland to assess the effectiveness of your treatment.

Medication management is essential for better mental health. If you’re combining medication with behavioral health care in Pikesville, Maryland, then, it’s more important to ensure adherence as it can help you through your journey.

RESILIENCE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, LLC provides behavioral therapy in Maryland. Should you need our expertise, don’t hesitate to call us anytime.

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