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How Does Suboxone Treatment Help With Opioid Addiction?


Opioids are highly addictive as they activate the release of endorphins, which muffle one’s perception of pain and boost feelings of pleasure. To treat opioid addiction, your healthcare provider may recommend a Suboxone prescription. Suboxone is a combination of two medications: naloxone and buprenorphine.

Similar to other mental health issues, proper medication management is essential to overcome opioid addiction. Here, we discuss how Suboxone aids with opioid addiction recovery.

  • Lower risk of abuse.

    In the past, methadone was recommended for treating opioid addiction. However, methadone alone without behavioral therapy in Maryland can cause a person to develop a dependency on the substance that’s supposed to treat their initial addiction. Suboxone is more effective as it has a lower risk of abuse and addiction.

  • Higher success rate.

    Suboxone treatment is generally recommended along with behavioral health care in Pikesville, Maryland. When combined, this treatment has a higher overall success rate for treating opiate addiction. Suboxone treatment also helps decrease cravings and withdrawal symptoms and does not produce the same feelings of euphoria.

  • Affordable treatment options.

    Suboxone treatment is more accessible and promotes privacy for those struggling with opiate addiction. Some insurance providers will also cover the cost of Suboxone treatment. Moreover, a generic version of Suboxone is available.

Here at RESILIENCE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, LLC, we specialize in high-quality mental healthcare in Maryland. In addition to managing behavioral health, we also offer Suboxone treatment to aid in opioid addiction recovery. For more information about treatment and our services, feel free to get in touch with us.

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