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Anticipating Your Initial Therapy Session Experience

Taking the step to attend your first individual therapy session is a courageous and empowering decision. Whether you’re seeking support for mental health concerns, navigating life changes, or simply looking for personal growth, the in...

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Navigating Anxiety: The Power of Group Therapy

In the battle against anxiety, the healing potential of group therapy stands out as a beacon of support and understanding. Managing anxiety can be an isolating journey, but group therapy offers a communal space where individuals grappling with simila...

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Prepare for Your First Therapy Session: What to Expect

Starting behavioral therapy in Maryland for the first time can be a nerve-wracking and overwhelming experience. While every therapist is different, most first sessions follow a basic procedure that involves paperwork and getting to know each other. T...

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How Can Group Therapy Help Manage Anxiety?

We all know the nervous feeling before an important event or during times of uncertainty — we feel uncomfortable, restless, and nervous. Anxiety is a normal part of life, but when you start to feel anxious in an uncontrollable, excessive manner, an...

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How Does Suboxone Treatment Help With Opioid Addiction?

Opioids are highly addictive as they activate the release of endorphins, which muffle one’s perception of pain and boost feelings of pleasure. To treat opioid addiction, your healthcare provider may recommend a Suboxone prescription. Suboxone is a ...

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Family Therapy for Conflict and Addiction Recovery

Family therapy is a form of psychotherapy that is designed to improve the relationship between family members. Unlike individual therapy, family therapy looks at problems as systems or patterns that must be adjusted, instead of simply focusing on one...

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